Local Influencers
Influencer marketing is a 6.5 billion dollar industry and the #1 best marketing tool for business today.
Local influencers are able to connect with their followers on a deeper level than macro and celebrity influencers. They’re more likely to know their followers on a personal level and have genuine connections with them.
Local influencers tend to make time for thoughtful responses and engage when they have 100k followers or less. In fact, research shows that influencers with 1,000 followers have the best engagement ratio. The ratio of engagement to followers is more important for social media marketers than the number of followers.
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Questions to Ask Yourself:
- MANAGEMENT – Who is going to manage the day-to-day website updates?
- CMS PLATFORM– Which content management system will you use for the website?
- EASE OF USE/UX – Which design will give my website visitors the best user experience?
- CUSTOMER SERVICE/REVIEWS – Who is going to handle customer issues? I.E. Returned Products
- CONTENT MARKETING – What type of valuable content are you going to create to drive traffic to the website?
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Let’s Get Started
Are you thinking about hiring a local influencer for your next marketing campaign? If so, please give us a call so we help you. Our experts have built relationships with a ton of local talent agencies and we would like to share our expertise with you.
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