The Importance of Consumer Trust


If you think your customers are happy, it might be time to think again. Although the US economy is growing and seems to be thriving in many areas, market research firm Forrester warns that companies shouldn’t sit back and take it easy.

A new marketing report from Forrester predicts that 2019 will be a “year of reckoning” for many brands as they face the facts that consumers might not love them as much as they thought they did.

Consumer Trust scores have stalled in recent years, with not a single brand significantly improving its customer experience scores from 2016.

One of the main reasons for the stall in customer experience is that consumers are interacting with brands more often. More interactions provides more opportunities to build trust and brand loyalty, but it also provides more opportunities to create dissatisfied customers, which is what seems to be happening.

How companies respond to this wave of dissatisfaction will be a major tipping point over the coming year.
